We highly recommend.....
My Hope WIth Billy Graham
Billy Graham proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ to generations. Interwoven with testimonies by contemporary artists Lecrae Moore and Lacey Sturm, Dr Graham shared the message of "The Cross" in what was his final public crusade. To view this and the other associated videos, click here or on the "My Hope America" icon.
City On A Hill Productions
A high-quality production company that uses the language of film to tell contemporary stories of faith that speak to the heart. Their portfolio of projects include pastor-teacher Kyle Idleman's video series.
Dick Staub
An award-winning broadcaster and author, Dick Staub is facinated with the spiritual quest of America, and had focused his work on understanding faith and culture, and interpreting each for the other.
Alethos Press/Dave Racer
Dave Racer is a Minnesota-based author, publisher, teacher and talk-show host. Dave has written numerous books ranging from fiction and non-fiction, biographical, educational and faith. He has a passion for both constitutional law and the health care debate raging in the United States today. See what books by Dave Racer are available on these subjects and more by visiting the Alethos Press Website.
Chuck Norris
Alisa Childers
Former member of ZOEgirl (and daughter of CCM Great Chuck Girard), Alisa's ministry focus is now apologetics, hosting podcasts and conducting seminars on Biblical inerrancy, often with John Cooper of the band "Skillet". Alisa Childers best-selling book "Another Gospel?" tells the story of how her former pastor led Alisa and others down the path of deconstruction, and how, step-by-step, she rebuilt her faith by carefully examining and embracing "Historical" Christianity.
Movieguide is a non-profit ministry dedicated to redeeming the values of the entertainment industry, according to biblical principles, by influencing industry executives and artists and by informing and educating the public about the influence of the entertainment media. Among Movieguide's features are reviews of upcoming and currently playing theatrical features. Unsure about whether to go to, or let a child/teen see a particular film? Movieguide provides very timely,thorough and objective reviews. Click here.