...a service of CCMR Media
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Thanks for stopping by ccmrewound.com... the internet’s home for Christian Music's Greatest Hits!
It's radio the way you remember it! Rotating classic CCM DJ's each weekend on "CCM Radio Reunion", Saturday at 1:00 pm ET!
"Full Circle" with Jerry Bryant is heard at 12 noon Saturdays as well as Sunday evenings at 8 (both ET) "Full Circle" features the music and interviews with those that layed the groundwork for what we now call contemporary Christian Music. Click here to learn more and to listen to a CCM Rewound interview with Jerry!
CCM Rewound honors the legacy of early contemporary Christian music radio with "Remembering the Great CCM Stations". While this page is not exhaustive, it nevertheless represents a cross-section of stations and people that helped promote a new and growing music genre. We will add on more in the days ahead. In the meantime, lots of information, memorabilia, and audio files!
Our CCM Rewound Request Hotline is open 24/7 for your song suggestions and comments... 612-819-1891. This is also the business line for CCMR Media.
From all of us at CCM Rewound, thanks again for listening, and for your support. Please let other classic Christian music fans know about us....with ccmrewound.com now as the destination, we are easier than ever to find!
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"Wonderful station! Love it! A great Classic Christian online music station! Actually playing a WIDE variety and some that regular radio stations don't play or didn't play much! Awesome! :0} Give it a listen- ENJOY and be BLESSED!"
- Melody H, Northern Minnesota
"I just love this station!!! it just takes me back to when I was younger. Of course, they don't play this stuff anymore on Christian radio stations but you guys brought it back Thank you!!!"
- Morgan K, Rochester NY
"CCM Rewound is the best CCM station I have heard, and I have been listening to CCM web streams for years! Keep up the great work!"
- Ken L., Buffalo NY
"LOVE THE STATION!! Been listening 2-3 months. Just what I was looking for!"
- Ruth C., Twin Cities MN
Thanks so much for this station! It is SUPER GOOD! I love the music and I trust God to expand your borders!
- Jim G, Inman SC
The buzz.......
Saturday at 1:00 pm ET

"CCM Radio Reunion" with Rick Selin!